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Senior Frontend Developer Ref_OE_2025_11687
Cidade / Localidade País Área Tipo de oferta Regime de trabalho Internacional Data Validade
Porto Portugal Informática Tempo Inteiro Híbrido Não 06 Jan 2025 06 Fev 2025
Área Tipo de oferta Regime de trabalho Empregador País Internacional Data Validade
Informática Tempo Inteiro Híbrido Anónimo Portugal Não 06 Jan 2025 06 Fev 2025
Dellent is a consulting company focused in System Information and Telecommunications. Our goal is to help our candidates and consultants to take a step forward in their careers through projects that meet their needs and expectations.

Would you love to work in the Sports Industry? Then you’ll like this project. Here you’ll have contact with the development of strategies, products, and solutions for digital transformation in a fast paced environment with a strong focus on user experience.
Want to learn more about this challenge? Then send us your CV!

We are hiring a Senior Frontend Developer for an international project in Porto.

-Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Informatics or related field);
-Have 5-8 years of experience with frontend frameworks like React (madatory), Vue or Angular;
-Are comfortable with styling libraries;
-Can work with Node.js, PHP, and databases;
-Understand CI/CD processes;
-Solid knowledge with Docker;
-Understand CSR and SSR and their specificities;
-Have created a public library or open-source project;
-Have experience with packages and domain-distributed app;
-Leverage AI with critical thinking;
- Critical thinker and problem-solving skills;
- Good interpersonal and communication skills;
- Speak fluent Portuguese (mandatory) and English.

What you can expect from us:
- Health insurance;
- A personalized training plan, with a budget to spend on the training and technical books you find necessary;
- Constant feedback so you can grow professionally;
- Remote onboarding process;
- Team events every semester so you can live new adventures;
- Exclusive discounts and offers from our partners;
- Culture of proximity and transparency. Your ideas and needs are heard and valued by us.
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